Wavelength-Tunable Sources for Yb Lasers

Light Conversion‘s femtosecond wavelength-tunable sources are based on optical parametric amplification technology. Recent advancements in Yb-based ultrafast optical parametric amplifiers (OPAs) have expanded tuning ranges from deep-UV to mid-IR, reduced pulse durations, and enabled high-contrast pulses, and high output stability. These compact, hands-off solutions are now easier to integrate into life sciences research, enabling multidimensional studies of dynamic processes.

Light Conversion’s OPAs are built on three distinct platforms to meet specific application needs:

  • ORPHEUS: A classic OPA platform that many users are familiar with – simple to use yet offering an extensive range of parameters.
  • ORPHEUS-NEO: A next-generation OPA equipped with multiple detectors for continuous power monitoring and diagnostics.
  • I-OPA: A compact OPA integrated directly onto the laser, undergoing vibrational and thermal testing – the only commercial industrial-grade OPA.

When paired with PHAROS or CARBIDE femtosecond lasers, our OPAs serve as an invaluable resource for ultrafast spectroscopy, nonlinear microscopy, and a wide range of other scientific applications. Since the early 1990s, Light Conversion’s OPAs have been synonymous with ultrafast spectroscopy and applications ranging from multiphoton imaging and optogenetic stimulation in neuroscience to wavelength-selective micromachining. Today, they continue to dominate the market, supplying approximately 95% of the global demand for optical parametric amplifiers.

Refer to the tables below for detailed platform specifications and a selection guide to help you choose your next wavelength-tunable source based on the desired pulse duration and spectral range.

Selection guide

Legend: Available Optional Fundamental wavelength

Model Platform 1) Pulse
duration 2)
Wavelength, nm 2)
ORPHEUS ‑NEO I‑OPA 190 210 250 325 450 500 520 650 800 900 1030 1100 1200 1300 1350 1450 1600 1700 2000 2500 3000 4500 6000 10000 14000 15000 16000
-OPCPA       < 20 fs                                                      
-N-3H       < 50 fs                                                      
CRONUS-3P 3)                                                            
-F       < 100 fs                                                      
-HP/HE       < 300 fs                                                      
-PS       < 3000 fs                                                      
  1. Wavelength extensions might be platform-dependent, refer to product datasheets or consult sales@lightcon.com.
  2. For exact pulse duration and wavelength tuning range, refer to specific product datasheets.
  3. CRONUS-3P is an I-OPA-based laser source optimized for multiphoton microscopy.


Ytterbium (Yb) Ti:Sapphire
Automated wavelength tunability        
Single-box solution        
Continuous power monitoring and diagnostics        
Pump beam position tracking        
Fully integrated wavelength extensions        
Environmentally sealed for higher stability        


Wavelength-Tunable Sources for Ti:Sapphire Lasers

TOPAS is a series of femtosecond optical parametric amplifiers (OPAs) for Ti:Sapphire lasers, delivering continuous wavelength tunability from 189 nm to 20 μm, high conversion efficiency, high output stability, and full computer control.

TOPAS is compatible with Ti:Sapphire lasers featuring pulse durations from 20 fs to 200 fs and pulse energies from 15 μJ to 60 mJ. With over 2000 units installed worldwide, TOPAS has become an OPA market leader for numerous scientific applications.

Custom solutions beyond the given specifications are available – contact sales@lightcon.com for more details.

  • Tuning range 1160 – 2600 nm, extendable to 189 nm – 20 μm
  • Conversion efficiency of > 25%
  • Wavelength extensions and high-energy upgrades
  • Nearly bandwidth- and diffraction-limited output
  • CEP stabilization of the idler, 1600 – 2600 nm
  • High output stability
Product Comparison Table
Product 1)Pump pulse energyPump pulse durationTuning rangeExtended tuning rangeOutput pulse durationUpgradesSpecial features
0.15 – 6 mJ 2)20 – 200 fs1160 – 2600 nm189 nm – 20 µm30 – 150 fsHE-STAGEMotorized wavelength control, hands-free operation
2 – 60 mJ 2)n/aHigh energy, high conversion efficiency
0.3 – 6 mJ 2)HE-STAGETwo independently tunable CEP- stable outputs 3)
0.3 – 5 mJ≈ 400 nm240 nm – 2.4 µm1 – 5 psTOPAS-SHBC-400Narrow bandwidth, picosecond output, generated from broadband femtosecond pump pulses
0.2 – 2.5 mJ480 – 2400 nmn/a
0.2 – 5 mJ1 – 2 ps1160 – 2600 nm240 nm – 20 µm0.7 – 2 psHE-STAGE
Product 1)Pump pulse energyPump pulse durationTuning rangeExtended tuning rangeOutput pulse durationUpgradesSpecial features
  1. Custom solutions are available, contact sales@lightcon.com for more details.
  2. Maximum pump pulse energy depends on pump pulse duration.
  3. TOPAS-TWINS consists of two OPAs, seeded by the same white light source. Specifications and upgrades are applicable for each output.
Wavelength extensions and upgrades
ProductTuning rangeFeatures
HE-STAGE1160 – 2600 nmHigh-energy upgrade for TOPAS-PRIME, TOPAS-TWINS, or TOPAS-PS-800 for 4 – 60 mJ pump
NIRUVIS240 – 2600 nmMotorized wavelength tuning, single housing
NIRUVIS-DUV-HE189 – 2600 nmHigh-energy version, broadest tuning range, motorized wavelength tuning, single housing
NIRUVIS-DUV189 – 2600 nmBroadest tuning range, motorized wavelength tuning, single housing
NIRUVIS-MW240 – 2600 nmFully automated version, the same output port for the entire wavelength range, motorized wavelength tuning, single housing
NDFG2600 nm – 20 µmNoncolinear generator for background-free mid-IR pulses 
External crystal stages240 nm – 20 µmCost-efficient separate crystal stages (1, 2, or 3 depending on the tuning range)
SIG-SIG NDFG4500 nm – 16 µmNoncolinear generator for CEP-stable mid-IR pulses used with TOPAS-TWINS, CEP slow drift compensation-ready 1)
ProductTuning rangeFeatures
  1. CEP slow drift is available upon request.
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