TOPAS-TWINS is a dual optical parametric amplifier (OPA) consisting of two independently tunable OPAs integrated into a single housing. Both OPAs share the same white light source, providing excellent output stability and delivering CEP-stabilized mid-IR pulses in a 4.5 – 15 μm tuning range.

Each OPA includes wavelength extension options, covering a 240 nm to 20 μm range. Output specifications for each OPA are the same as those of TOPAS-PRIME. The maximum pump pulse energy depends on the pulse duration; refer to the specifications for more details.

Ultrafast (20–70 fs)
Specifications notes

TOPAS-TWINS specifications are given for the following pump laser parameters:

  • Wavelength: 800 nm
  • Pulse energy: 1 mJ
  • Repetition rate: 1 kHz
  • Pulse duration: 30 – 40 fs
  • Beam profile: Gaussian

Note 1: Specifications are given for a single TOPAS-TWINS channel.

Note 2: Specifications depend on the pump wavelength and pulse duration. If these differ from the values listed above, contact

Note 3: TOPAS-TWINS channel output pulse energy scales linearly within the 1 – 4 mJ range, provided the device is installed and optimized for a specific pump energy. Re-optimization is required if the pump energy changes by more than 10% from the installation value.

Pump laser requirements
OPA channelOPA-1OPA-2
Pump wavelength770 – 830 nm770 – 830 nm
Pump wavelength770 – 830 nm
Pump pulse duration (FWHM)20 – 70 fs20 – 70 fs
Pump pulse duration (FWHM)20 – 70 fs
Pump pulse energy0.15 – 1 mJ0.15 – 4 mJ
Repetition rate< 25 kHz 1)< 25 kHz 1)
Repetition rate< 25 kHz 1)
Maximum pump power15 W into each OPA 2)15 W into each OPA 2)
Maximum pump power15 W into each OPA 2)
Pump polarizationHorizontalHorizontal
Pump polarizationHorizontal
Spectral bandwidth< 1.2 × transform limit< 1.2 × transform limit
Spectral bandwidth< 1.2 × transform limit
Pulse-to-pulse energy stability< 1% RMS deviation 3)< 1% RMS deviation 3)
Pulse-to-pulse energy stability< 1% RMS deviation 3)
Pulse duration stability< 1% pulse-to-pulse 4)< 1% pulse-to-pulse 4)
Pulse duration stability< 1% pulse-to-pulse 4)
Pulse front tilt< 10% of pulse duration< 10% of pulse duration
Pulse front tilt< 10% of pulse duration
Pulse contrast< 1 : 20< 1 : 20
Pulse contrast< 1 : 20
Beam quality, M2< 1.3 5)< 1.3 5)
Beam quality, M2< 1.3 5)
Beam astigmatism< 0.15 6)< 0.15 6)
Beam astigmatism< 0.15 6)
Beam spatial profileGaussian – Super GaussianGaussian – Super Gaussian
Beam spatial profileGaussian – Super Gaussian
Intensity modulation< 15%, no hotspots 7)< 15%, no hotspots 7)
Intensity modulation< 15%, no hotspots 7)
Beam pointing stability< 10 μrad 8)< 10 μrad 8)
Beam pointing stability< 10 μrad 8)
Beam divergence< 1.2 × diffraction limit< 1.2 × diffraction limit
Beam divergence< 1.2 × diffraction limit
Beam height from the optical table125 – 185 mm 125 – 185 mm 
Beam height from the optical table125 – 185 mm 
Beam diameter, 1/e2< 9.5 mm 9)< 9.5 mm 9)
Beam diameter, 1/e2< 9.5 mm 9)
OPA channelOPA-1OPA-2
  1. The maximum repetition rate for DFG1 (NDFG1) option is 1 kHz.
  2. Contact for higher pump power options.
  3. Normalized to average pulse energy. Expressed as normalized root mean squared deviation (NRMSD).
  4. Normalized to average pulse duration. Expressed as NRMSD.
  5. M2 specification valid for Gaussian beam.
  6. Normalized astigmatism – difference of the waist positions, divided by Raleigh length.
  7. Normalized to Gaussian or Super-Gaussian fits. Expressed as NRMSD.
  8. Expressed as NRMSD, full angle.
  9. An optional external telescope can be ordered for a beam diameter of 9.5 – 28 mm.
Tuning range
(Signal and Idler combined)
1160 – 1600 nm (Signal)
1600 – 2600 nm (Idler)
Conversion efficiency at peak (Signal and Idler combined)> 25%
Pulse duration(1 – 1.5) × pump pulse duration @ 1160 – 1550 nm
< 2 × pump pulse duration @ 1550 – 2600 nm
Time-bandwidth product< 1
PolarizationVertical (Signal)
Horizontal (Idler)
Pulse-to-pulse energy stability< 3% RMS deviation 1) @ 1160 – 1550 nm
  1. Normalized to average pulse energy. Expressed as NRMSD.
VIS–UV extensions (240 – 1160 nm)
ExtensionStandard NIRUVISSeparate mixer stage(s)
Level of computer controlManual change of wavelength separatorsManual change of wavelength separators
Level of computer controlManual change of wavelength separators
Maximum tuning range240 – 1160 nm240 – 1160 nm
Maximum tuning range240 – 1160 nm
HousingMonolithic housingNo common housing
Number of output portsFour 1)Four 1)
Number of output portsFour 1)
ExtensionStandard NIRUVISSeparate mixer stage(s)
  1. Output ports are wavelength-dependent.
VIS extensions (475 – 1160 nm)
ExtensionStandard NIRUVISSeparate mixer stage
SHI (800 – 1160 nm)
Tuning range800 – 1160 nm800 – 1160 nm
Tuning range800 – 1160 nm
Conversion efficiency at peak> 2%> 1.5%
Pulse duration(1 – 1.5) × pump pulse duration(1 – 1.5) × pump pulse duration
Pulse duration(1 – 1.5) × pump pulse duration
SHS (580 – 800 nm)
SFI (533 – 600 nm)
SFS (475 – 533 nm)
ExtensionStandard NIRUVISSeparate mixer stage
UV extensions (240 – 480 nm)
ExtensionStandard NIRUVISSeparate mixer stage
FHI (400 – 480 nm)
Tuning range400 – 480 nm400 – 480 nm
Tuning range400 – 480 nm
Conversion efficiency at peak> 0.4%> 0.25%
Pulse duration(1.2 – 2) × pump pulse duration(1.2 – 2) × pump pulse duration
Pulse duration(1.2 – 2) × pump pulse duration
FHS (290 – 400 nm)
SH of SFI (266 – 295 nm)
SH of SFS (240 – 266 nm)
ExtensionStandard NIRUVISSeparate mixer stage
DFG extensions (2600 – 13000 nm)
Tuning range2.6 – 9 μm2.6 – 4.5 μm4 – 13 μm4 – 13 μm
Conversion efficiency at peak> 0.2%> 0.4%> 0.2%> 0.15%
Pulse duration< 3× pump pulse duration< 3× pump pulse durationNot specifiedNot specified
Pulse duration< 3× pump pulse durationNot specified
  1. Maximum pump repetition rate – 1 kHz. Limited crystal lifetime of 1000 – 2000 h.
  2. Not available in the collinear configuration.
General dimension of the housing (W × L × H)350 × 680 × 156 mm
NIRUVIS housing dimensions (W × L × H)230 × 450 × 156 mm
DFG/NDFG housing dimensions (W × L × H)230 × 330 × 156 mm
Fast (70–200 fs)
Specifications notes

TOPAS-TWINS specifications are given for the following pump laser parameters:

  • Wavelength: 800 nm
  • Pulse energy: 1 mJ
  • Repetition rate: 1 kHz
  • Pulse duration: 100 – 150 fs
  • Beam profile: Gaussian

Note 1: Specifications are given for a single TOPAS-TWINS channel.

Note 2: Specifications depend on the pump wavelength and pulse duration. If these differ from the values listed above, contact

Note 3: TOPAS-TWINS channel output pulse energy scales linearly within the 1 – 4.5 mJ range, provided the device is installed and optimized for a specific pump energy. Re-optimization is required if the pump energy changes by more than 10% from the installation value.

Pump laser requirements
OPA channelOPA‑1OPA‑2
Pump wavelength770 – 830 nm770 – 830 nm
Pump wavelength770 – 830 nm
Pump pulse duration (FWHM)70 – 200 fs70 – 200 fs
Pump pulse duration (FWHM)70 – 200 fs
Pump pulse energy0.15 – 1.5 mJ0.15 – 4.5 mJ
Repetition rate< 25 kHz 1)< 25 kHz 1)
Repetition rate< 25 kHz 1)
Maximum pump power15 W into each OPA 2)15 W into each OPA 2)
Maximum pump power15 W into each OPA 2)
Pump polarizationHorizontalHorizontal
Pump polarizationHorizontal
Spectral bandwidth< 1.2 × transform limit< 1.2 × transform limit
Spectral bandwidth< 1.2 × transform limit
Pulse-to-pulse energy stability< 1% RMS deviation 3)< 1% RMS deviation 3)
Pulse-to-pulse energy stability< 1% RMS deviation 3)
Pulse duration stability< 1% pulse-to-pulse 4)< 1% pulse-to-pulse 4)
Pulse duration stability< 1% pulse-to-pulse 4)
Pulse front tilt< 10% of pulse duration< 10% of pulse duration
Pulse front tilt< 10% of pulse duration
Pulse contrast< 1 : 20< 1 : 20
Pulse contrast< 1 : 20
Beam quality, M2< 1.3 5)< 1.3 5)
Beam quality, M2< 1.3 5)
Beam astigmatism< 0.15 6)< 0.15 6)
Beam astigmatism< 0.15 6)
Beam spatial profileGaussian – Super GaussianGaussian – Super Gaussian
Beam spatial profileGaussian – Super Gaussian
Intensity modulation< 15%, no hotspots 7)< 15%, no hotspots 7)
Intensity modulation< 15%, no hotspots 7)
Beam pointing stability< 10 μrad 8)< 10 μrad 8)
Beam pointing stability< 10 μrad 8)
Beam divergence< 1.2 × diffraction limit< 1.2 × diffraction limit
Beam divergence< 1.2 × diffraction limit
Beam height from the optical table125 – 185 mm 125 – 185 mm 
Beam height from the optical table125 – 185 mm 
Beam diameter, 1/e2< 9.5 mm 9)< 9.5 mm 9)
Beam diameter, 1/e2< 9.5 mm 9)
OPA channelOPA‑1OPA‑2
  1. The maximum repetition rate for DFG1 (NDFG1) option is 1 kHz.
  2. Contact for higher pump power options.
  3. Normalized to average pulse energy. Expressed as normalized root mean squared deviation NRMSD.
  4. Normalized to average pulse duration. Expressed as NRMSD.
  5. M2 specification valid for Gaussian beam.
  6. Normalized astigmatism – difference of the waist positions, divided by Raleigh length.
  7. Normalized to Gaussian or Super-Gaussian fits. Expressed as NRMSD.
  8. Expressed as NRMSD, full angle.
  9. An optional external telescope can be ordered for a beam diameter of 9.5 – 28 mm.
Tuning range1160 – 1600 nm (Signal)
1600 – 2600 nm (Idler)
Conversion efficiency at peak (Signal and Idler combined)> 25%
Pulse duration(0.7 – 1) × pump pulse
Time-bandwidth product< 1
PolarizationVertical (Signal)
Horizontal (Idler)
Pulse-to-pulse energy stability< 2% RMS deviation 1) @ 1160 – 1550 nm
  1. Normalized to average pulse energy. Expressed as NRMSD.
VIS–UV extensions (240 – 1160 nm)
ExtensionStandard NIRUVISSeparate mixer stage(s)
ControlManual change of wavelength separatorsManual change of wavelength separators
ControlManual change of wavelength separators
Maximum tuning range240 – 1160 nm240 – 1160 nm
Maximum tuning range240 – 1160 nm
HousingMonolithic housingNo common housing
Number of output portsFour 1)Four 1)
Number of output portsFour 1)
ExtensionStandard NIRUVISSeparate mixer stage(s)
  1. Output ports are wavelength-dependent.
VIS extensions (475 – 1160 nm)
ExtensionStandard NIRUVISSeparate mixer stage
SHI (800 – 1160 nm)
Tuning range800 – 1160 nm800 – 1160 nm
Tuning range800 – 1160 nm
Conversion efficiency at peak> 5%> 3%
Pulse duration(0.7 – 1) × pump pulse duration(0.7 – 1) × pump pulse duration
Pulse duration(0.7 – 1) × pump pulse duration
SHS (580 – 800 nm)
SFI (533 – 600 nm)
SFS (475 – 533 nm)
ExtensionStandard NIRUVISSeparate mixer stage
UV extensions (240 – 480 nm)
ExtensionStandard NIRUVISSeparate mixer stage
FHI (400 – 480 nm)
Tuning range400 – 480 nm400 – 480 nm
Tuning range400 – 480 nm
Conversion efficiency at peak> 1.5%> 0.6%
Pulse duration(0.7 – 1) × pump pulse duration(0.7 – 1) × pump pulse duration
Pulse duration(0.7 – 1) × pump pulse duration
FHS (290 – 400 nm)
SH of SFI (266 – 295 nm)
SH of SFS (240 – 266 nm)
ExtensionStandard NIRUVISSeparate mixer stage
DFG extensions (2600 – 20000 nm)
Tuning range2.6 – 11 μm2.6 – 4.9 μm4 – 20 μm4.5 – 16 μm
Conversion efficiency at peak> 0.8%> 1%> 0.6%> 0.25%
Pulse duration< 2 × pump pulse duration< 2 × pump pulse durationNot specifiedNot specified
Pulse duration< 2 × pump pulse durationNot specified
  1. Maximum pump repetition rate – 1 kHz; crystal lifetime of 1000 – 2000 h.
  2. Not available in the collinear configuration.
General dimension of the housing (W × L × H)350 × 680 × 156 mm
NIRUVIS housing dimensions (W × L × H)230 × 450 × 156 mm
DFG/NDFG housing dimensions (W × L × H)230 × 330 × 156 mm