
HARPIA ultrafast spectroscopy system performs a wide range of sophisticated time-resolved spectroscopic measurements in a compact footprint. It offers an intuitive user experience and easy day-to-day maintenance, meeting the needs of modern scientific applications.

HARPIA-TA system, centered around the transient absorption spectrometer, offers additional extension modules and customization options to tailor the HARPIA system to specific measurement needs. It can be expanded with additional modules, including time-correlated single-photon counting (TCSPC), Kerr gating, and fluorescence upconversion (HARPIA-TF), third beam delivery for multi-pulse experiments (HARPIA-TB), and microscopy (HARPIA-MM) modules. Designed for flexibility, HARPIA allows seamless switching between measurement modes and comes with dedicated data acquisition and analysis software. Each module is housed in a robust aluminum enclosure, providing exceptional optical stability, minimizing optical path lengths, and ensuring accurate and reliable results.

HARPIA-TG is a novel transient grating spectroscopy system designed for direct optical measurement of diffusion coefficients, carrier lifetimes, and diffusion lengths. Fully automated and computer-controlled, the system enables measurements to be completed within minutes, making this complex technique accessible to users at all levels of expertise.

HARPIA Application Table
Main unit 1)Module 1)Application 2)
Transient absorption and reflection in bulk mode
Transient absorption and reflection in microscopy mode
Multi-pulse transient absorption 
Femtosecond stimulated Raman scattering (FSRS)
NIR probe
Kerr gate / Fluorescence upconversion
Picosecond-to-microsecond fluorescence TCSPC
Nanosecond transient absorption measurements
Transient absorption and reflection 
Transient grating spectroscopy
Photoluminescence (PL) measurement
Main unit 1)Module 1)Application 2)
  1. Contact sales@lightcon.com for typical configurations.
  2. See ultrafast spectroscopy applications for more information.
Data Samples
Pump-probe measurement (HARPIA-TA)
Pump-probe measurement (HARPIA-LIGHT)
Flash photolysis (HARPIA-TA-FP)
Kerr gate, fluorescence upconversion & TCSPC measurements (HARPIA-TF)
FSRS and pump-dump-probe measurements (HARPIA-TB)
Spatially resolved pump-probe measurements (HARPIA-MM)
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