PHAROS femtosecond lasers combine multi‑millijoule pulse energy and high average power, featuring a robust optomechanical design optimized for both scientific and industrial applications. The thermally stabilized and sealed design ensures seamless integration into various optical setups and machining workstations, delivering exceptional laser lifetime and stable operation across varying environments.

PHAROS provides unparalleled versatility, covering applications that would typically require multiple laser systems. Its key tunable parameters include pulse duration (100 fs – 20 ps), repetition rate (single-shot – 1 MHz), pulse energy (up to 4 mJ), and average power (up to 20 W).

The built-in pulse picker enables a pulse-on-demand mode, further enhancing operational flexibility. Additionally, the versatility of PHAROS femtosecond lasers can be further extended by a variety of options, including carrier-envelope phase (CEP) stabilization, repetition rate locking to an external source, automated harmonic modules, and optical parametric amplifiers.

Output characteristics
Center wavelength 1)1030 ± 10 nm1030 ± 10 nm1030 ± 10 nm1030 ± 10 nm1030 ± 10 nm1030 ± 10 nm1030 ± 10 nm
Center wavelength 1)1030 ± 10 nm
Maximum output power10 W20 W20 W20 W20 W20 W20 W
Maximum output power10 W20 W
Pulse duration 2)< 290 fs< 190 fs< 190 fs< 190 fs< 450 fs 3)< 100 fs< 100 fs
Pulse duration 2)< 290 fs< 190 fs< 450 fs 3)< 100 fs
Pulse duration tuning range290 fs – 10 ps
(20 ps on request)
190 fs – 10 ps
(20 ps on request)
190 fs – 10 ps
(20 ps on request)
190 fs – 10 ps
(20 ps on request)
450 fs – 10 ps100 fs – 10 ps100 fs – 10 ps
Pulse duration tuning range290 fs – 10 ps
(20 ps on request)
190 fs – 10 ps
(20 ps on request)
450 fs – 10 ps100 fs – 10 ps
Maximum pulse energy0.2 mJ0.4 mJ1 mJ2 mJ4 mJ0.4 mJ1 mJ
Repetition rateSingle-shot – 1 MHzSingle-shot – 1 MHzSingle-shot – 1 MHzSingle-shot – 1 MHzSingle-shot – 1 MHzSingle-shot – 1 MHzSingle-shot – 1 MHz
Repetition rateSingle-shot – 1 MHz
Pulse selectionSingle-shot, pulse-on-demand, any fundamental repetition rate divisionSingle-shot, pulse-on-demand, any fundamental repetition rate divisionSingle-shot, pulse-on-demand, any fundamental repetition rate divisionSingle-shot, pulse-on-demand, any fundamental repetition rate divisionSingle-shot, pulse-on-demand, any fundamental repetition rate divisionSingle-shot, pulse-on-demand, any fundamental repetition rate divisionSingle-shot, pulse-on-demand, any fundamental repetition rate division
Pulse selectionSingle-shot, pulse-on-demand, any fundamental repetition rate division
PolarizationLinear, horizontalLinear, horizontalLinear, horizontalLinear, horizontalLinear, horizontalLinear, horizontalLinear, horizontal
PolarizationLinear, horizontal
Beam quality, M2< 1.2< 1.2< 1.3< 1.3< 1.3< 1.2< 1.2
Beam quality, M2< 1.2< 1.3< 1.2
Beam diameter 4)3.3 ± 0.5 mm4.0 ± 0.5 mm4.5 ± 0.5 mm6.8 ± 0.7 mm6.8 ± 0.7 mm4.5 ± 0.5 mm6.0 ± 0.5 mm
Beam diameter 4)3.3 ± 0.5 mm4.0 ± 0.5 mm4.5 ± 0.5 mm6.8 ± 0.7 mm4.5 ± 0.5 mm6.0 ± 0.5 mm
Beam pointing stability< 20 µrad/°C< 20 µrad/°C< 20 µrad/°C< 20 µrad/°C< 20 µrad/°C< 20 µrad/°C< 20 µrad/°C
Beam pointing stability< 20 µrad/°C
Pre-pulse contrast< 1 : 1000< 1 : 1000< 1 : 1000< 1 : 1000< 1 : 1000< 1 : 1000< 1 : 1000
Pre-pulse contrast< 1 : 1000
Post-pulse contrast< 1 : 200< 1 : 200< 1 : 200< 1 : 200< 1 : 200< 1 : 200< 1 : 200
Post-pulse contrast< 1 : 200
Pulse-to-pulse energy stability, 24 h 5)< 0.5%< 0.5%< 0.5%< 0.5%< 0.5%< 0.5%< 0.5%
Pulse-to-pulse energy stability, 24 h 5)< 0.5%
Long-term power stability, 100 h 5)< 0.5%< 0.5%< 0.5%< 0.5%< 0.5%< 0.5%< 0.5%
Long-term power stability, 100 h 5)< 0.5%
Main options
Oscillator output 6)1 – 7 W, 50 – 250 fs, ≈ 1035 nm, ≈ 76 MHz1 – 7 W, 50 – 250 fs, ≈ 1035 nm, ≈ 76 MHz1 – 7 W, 50 – 250 fs, ≈ 1035 nm, ≈ 76 MHz1 – 7 W, 50 – 250 fs, ≈ 1035 nm, ≈ 76 MHz1 – 7 W, 50 – 250 fs, ≈ 1035 nm, ≈ 76 MHz1 – 7 W, 50 – 250 fs, ≈ 1035 nm, ≈ 76 MHz1 – 7 W, 50 – 250 fs, ≈ 1035 nm, ≈ 76 MHz
Oscillator output 6)1 – 7 W, 50 – 250 fs, ≈ 1035 nm, ≈ 76 MHz
Harmonic generator 7)515 nm, 343 nm, 257 nm, or 206 nm515 nm, 343 nm, 257 nm, or 206 nm515 nm, 343 nm, 257 nm, or 206 nm515 nm, 343 nm, 257 nm, or 206 nm515 nm, 343 nm, 257 nm, or 206 nm515 nm, 343 nm, 257 nm, or 206 nm515 nm, 343 nm, 257 nm, or 206 nm
Harmonic generator 7)515 nm, 343 nm, 257 nm, or 206 nm
Optical parametric amplifier 8)320 – 10000 nm320 – 10000 nm320 – 10000 nm320 – 10000 nm320 – 10000 nm320 – 10000 nm320 – 10000 nm
Optical parametric amplifier 8)320 – 10000 nm
BiBurst modeTunable GHz and MHz burst with burst-in-burst capabilityTunable GHz and MHz burst with burst-in-burst capabilityTunable GHz and MHz burst with burst-in-burst capabilityTunable GHz and MHz burst with burst-in-burst capabilityTunable GHz and MHz burst with burst-in-burst capabilityTunable GHz and MHz burst with burst-in-burst capabilityTunable GHz and MHz burst with burst-in-burst capability
BiBurst modeTunable GHz and MHz burst with burst-in-burst capability
CEP stabilizationCheck CEP stabilization for PHAROSCheck CEP stabilization for PHAROSCheck CEP stabilization for PHAROSCheck CEP stabilization for PHAROSCheck CEP stabilization for PHAROSCheck CEP stabilization for PHAROSCheck CEP stabilization for PHAROS
CEP stabilizationCheck CEP stabilization for PHAROS
Repetition rate lockingCheck Repetition rate locking for PHAROSCheck Repetition rate locking for PHAROSCheck Repetition rate locking for PHAROSCheck Repetition rate locking for PHAROSCheck Repetition rate locking for PHAROSCheck Repetition rate locking for PHAROSCheck Repetition rate locking for PHAROS
Repetition rate lockingCheck Repetition rate locking for PHAROS
Physical dimensions
Environmental & utility requirements
  1. Precise wavelengths for specific models are available upon request.
  2. Assuming Gaussian pulse shape.
  3. Pulse duration can be reduced to < 250 fs if pulse peak intensity of > 50 GW/cm2 is tolerated by the customer setup.
  4. FW 1/e2, measured at laser output, using maximum pulse energy.
  5. Under stable environmental conditions. Expressed as normalized root mean squared deviation (NRMSD).
  6. Available simultaneously. Contact for more details or customized solutions.
  7. Integrated. For an external harmonic generator, refer to HIRO.
  8. Integrated. For more options and OPAs for -4mJ and -UP models, refer to ORPHEUS OPAs.
  9. Dimensions depend on laser configuration and integrated options.
General performance
Harmonic generators and OPAs
Experimental observation of mutual coupling in resonator array on thin-metal-film
S. R. Ayyagari, S. Indrišiūnas, A. Basharin, V. Janonis, D. Pashnev et al.
Journal of Applied Physics • 2025
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