ORPHEUS-VIS is an optical parametric amplifier (OPA) designed for generating high-energy, short-pulse output in the visible (VIS) spectral range. The system provides ultrashort pulses tunable across 450 – 600 nm or 320 – 900 nm, depending on the selected configuration, and can be extended down to 250 nm with an optional UV extension.

ORPHEUS-VIS is compatible with CARBIDE or PHAROS femtosecond pump lasers, supporting up to 20 W average power and 1 mJ pulse energy, thus it provides output in the tens of microjoules in the VIS range and microjoule-level output in the UV range.

ORPHEUS-VIS is an excellent high-repetition-rate source for ultrafast spectroscopy techniques, including two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy (2DES), time-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, and a wide range of other applications within the visible spectral range.

ConfigurationStandardWide tuning range
Main output
Tuning range450 – 600 nm320 – 900 nm
Maximum pump power20 W20 W
Maximum pump power20 W
Pump pulse energy200 – 1000 µJ200 – 1000 µJ
Pump pulse energy200 – 1000 µJ
Pulse duration< 50 fs @ 500 – 600 nm< 50 fs @ 500 – 600 nm
< 55 fs @ 800 – 900 nm
< 70 fs @ 650 – 800 nm
Conversion efficiency 1)1.5 % @ 500 nm> 1.5% @ 500 nm
> 5.0% @ 660 nm
> 0.5% @ 350 nm
Spectral bandwidth 2)200 – 700 cm‑1200 – 700 cm‑1
Spectral bandwidth 2)200 – 700 cm‑1
Long-term power stability, 8 h 3)< 2% @ 500 nm< 2% @ 500 nm
Long-term power stability, 8 h 3)< 2% @ 500 nm
Optional extension (UV)
Tuning range250 – 300 nm250 – 300 nm
Tuning range250 – 300 nm
Conversion efficiency 1)> 0.15% @ 280 nm> 0.15% @ 280 nm
Conversion efficiency 1)> 0.15% @ 280 nm
Spectral bandwidth 2)200 – 600 cm‑1200 – 600 cm‑1
Spectral bandwidth 2)200 – 600 cm‑1
Pump laser requirements
Environmental & utility requirements
ConfigurationStandardWide tuning range
  1. Specified as a percentage of pump power.
  2. Full width at half maximum (FWHM).
  3. Expressed as normalized root mean squared deviation (NRMSD).
  4. FWHM, assuming Gaussian pulse shape.
  5. Specifications are guaranteed for a maximum temperature variation of ± 1 ºC and humidity variation of ± 10%.
A set of typical spectra of standard ORPHEUS-VIS configuration

For custom tuning curves visit Optics ToolBox.
