ORPHEUS-TWINS consists of two independently tunable optical parametric amplifiers (OPAs) integrated into a single, compact housing. The OPAs are optically synchronized and provide simultaneous outputs. Sharing the same white-light seed, both OPAs enable the generation of broadband mid-infrared (MIR) radiation with a passively stable carrier-envelope phase (CEP).

Each OPA in the ORPHEUS-TWINS system can be configured separately as an ORPHEUS, ORPHEUS-F, or ORPHEUS-ONE, allowing flexible customization to meet specific experimental requirements. Refer to the respective models for detailed specifications.

For a high-repetition-rate (77 MHz) dual-output source, consider CRONUS-2P.

Main output
Tuning rangeChoose between ORPHEUS, ORPHEUS-F, and ORPHEUS-ONE configurations
Output pulse energyDepends on the configuration, check the specifications of the chosen models
Spectral bandwidthDepends on the configuration, 100 – 750 cm‑1
Pulse durationDepends on the configuration, down to < 50 fs
Supported repetition ratesSingle-shot – 2 MHz
Pump laser requirements
Physical dimensions
Environmental & utility requirements
  1. FWHM, assuming Gaussian pulse shape.
  2. Specifications are guaranteed for a maximum temperature variation of ± 1 ºC and humidity variation of ± 10%.

For custom tuning curves visit Optics ToolBox.

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