ORPHEUS-NEO is a next-generation optical parametric amplifier (OPA). Designed for simplicity and reliability, ORPHEUS-NEO emerges as an invaluable tool in even the most demanding scientific applications.

Available in several configurations, ORPHEUS-NEO delivers high-power output across a wide wavelength range from UV to MIR (210 – 16000 nm). It can also be pumped by sub‑100 fs PHAROS‑UP lasers, with configurations such as ORPHEUS‑NEO‑UP and ORPHEUS‑NEO‑ONE‑UP.

With its robust industrial design, ORPHEUS-NEO ensures exceptional long-term stability in all configurations. Equipped with multiple detectors for pump beam position tracking and continuous output monitoring, it enables fast remote diagnostics and troubleshooting, minimizing downtime and maximizing productivity.

Engineered to meet the needs of the most demanding users, ORPHEUS-NEO sets a new benchmark for stability and versatility in ultrafast spectroscopy and a wide range of other scientific applications.

Output specifications
Pump powerUp to 80 WUp to 80 W
Pump powerUp to 80 W
Pump pulse energy20 – 800 µJ20 – 800 µJ
Pump pulse energy20 – 800 µJ
Repetition rateUp to 2 MHzUp to 2 MHz
Repetition rateUp to 2 MHz
Tuning range640 – 1000 nm (Signal)
1050 – 2600 nm (Idler)
1400 – 2000 nm (Signal)
2100 – 4200 nm (Idler)
Conversion efficiency
Conversion efficiency
40 – 800 μJ pump; up to 1 MHz> 7% @ 700 nm> 9% @ 1550 nm
20 – 40 μJ pump; up to 2 MHz> 3.5% @ 700 nm> 6% @ 1550 nm
Spectral bandwidth60 – 220 cm‑1 @ 700 – 960 nm50 – 150 cm‑1 @ 1450 – 2000 nm
Pulse duration 1)120 – 400 fs100 – 400 fs
Beam quality, M2< 1.3 @ 800 nm< 1.3 @ 1550 nm
Beam diameter 2)2.1 ± 0.6 mm @ 800 nm2.1 ± 0.6 mm @ 1550 nm
Beam divergence (full-angle)< 2 mrad @ 800 nm< 4 mrad @ 1550 nm
Long-term power stability, 8 h 3)< 1% @ 800 nm< 1% @ 1550 nm
Pulse-to-pulse energy stability, 1 min 3)< 1% @ 800 nm< 1% @ 1550 nm
Wavelength extension options;
conversion efficiency
210 – 320 nm (THS)
> 0.4% at 250 nm
640 – 1000 nm and
1050 – 1350 nm (VIS–NIR)
> 1% @ 700 nm
320 – 500 nm (SHS) and
525 – 640 nm (SHI)
> 1.2% @ 350 nm
2500 – 4200 nm (DFG1)
> 3% @ 3000 nm
4000 – 16000 nm (DFG)
> 0.3% @ 10000 nm (for > 40 µJ pump)
4000 – 16000 nm (DFG2)
> 0.2% @ 10000 nm
Pump laser requirements
Environmental & utility requirements
  1. Output pulse duration depends on the selected wavelength and pump laser pulse duration.
  2. FW 1/e2, measured at laser output, using maximum pulse energy.
  3. Expressed as normalized root mean squared deviation (NRMSD).
  4. Specifications are guaranteed for a maximum temperature variation of ± 1ºC and humidity variation of ± 10%.
Output specifications
Pump powerUp to 20 WUp to 20 W
Pump powerUp to 20 W
Pump pulse energy20 – 400 µJ20 – 400 µJ
Pump pulse energy20 – 400 µJ
Repetition rateUp to 1 MHzUp to 1 MHz
Repetition rateUp to 1 MHz
Tuning range640 – 1000 nm (Signal)
1050 – 2600 nm (Idler)
1450 – 2000 nm (Signal)
2100 – 4500 nm (Idler)
Conversion efficiency> 7% @ 700 nm> 9% @ 1550 nm
Spectral bandwidth120 – 300 cm‑1 @ 700 – 2600 nm150 – 300 cm‑1 @ 1500 – 1900 nm & 2200 – 3500 nm 1)
Pulse duration 2)< 100 fs @ 700 – 1000 nm
< 120 fs @ 1060 – 2000 nm
< 120 fs @ 1500 – 1900 nm
Beam quality, M2< 1.3 @ 800 nm< 1.3 @ 1550 nm
Beam diameter 2)2.1 ± 0.6 mm @ 800 nm2.1 ± 0.6 mm @ 1550 nm
Beam divergence (full-angle)< 2 mrad @ 800 nm< 4 mrad @ 1550 nm
Long-term power stability, 8 h 4)< 1% @ 800 nm< 1% @ 1550 nm
Pulse-to-pulse energy stability, 1 min 4)< 1% @ 800 nm< 1% @ 1550 nm
Wavelength extension options;
conversion efficiency
210 – 320 nm (THS);
0.2% at 250 nm
640 – 1000 nm and
1050 – 1450 nm (VIS–NIR);
1% @ 700 nm
320 – 500 nm (SHS) and
525 – 640 nm (SHI);
1.2% @ 350 nm
2500 – 4500 nm (DFG1);
3% @ 3000 nm
4500 – 14000 nm (DFG);
0.2% @ 10000 nm
4500 – 14000 nm (DFG2);
0.1% @ 10000 nm
Pump laser requirements
Environmental & utility requirements
  1. Spectral bandwidth is equal to 150 – 250 cm‑1 @ 5000 – 12000 nm.
  2. Output pulse duration depends on the selected wavelength and pump laser pulse duration.
  3. FW 1/e2, measured at laser output, using maximum pulse energy.
  4. Expressed as normalized root mean squared deviation (NRMSD).
  5. Specifications are guaranteed for a maximum temperature variation of ± 1ºC and humidity variation of ± 10%.
Tuning curves

For custom tuning curves visit Optics ToolBox.

Typical long-term power stability of ORPHEUS-NEO at 800 nm