ORPHEUS-PS is a narrow-bandwidth optical parametric amplifier (OPA) designed for use with PHAROS and CARBIDE lasers. The device is pumped by picosecond pulses generated in a second harmonic bandwidth compressor SHBC and seeded by a white-light continuum generated by femtosecond pulses. This configuration enables high pulse-to-pulse energy stability compared to other methods for generating tunable picosecond pulses. The white-light generation and amplification are integrated within a single housing, delivering high long-term stability and ease of use.

ORPHEUS-PS features high conversion efficiency, bandwidth- and diffraction-limited output, and full computer control, making it a robust and user-friendly solution for advanced applications.

Additionally, part of the pump laser radiation can be split to simultaneously pump a femtosecond OPA alongside the ORPHEUS-PS narrow-bandwidth OPA. This enables access to a complete set of beams for versatile spectroscopy applications, including femtosecond stimulated Raman spectroscopy (FSRS) and sum-frequency generation (SFG) spectroscopy.

  • Femtosecond stimulated Raman spectroscopy (FSRS)
  • Sum-frequency generation (SFG) spectroscopy
Main output
Tuning range 1)640 – 1000 nm (Signal)
1060 – 2600 nm (Idler)
Conversion efficiency> 6% @ 700 nm
Pulse duration800 fs – 3 ps
Spectral bandwidth< 20 cm‑1 @ 800 nm
Pulse-to-pulse energy stability 2)< 2% @ 800 nm
Auxiliary output 1 (515 nm)
Center wavelength 3)515 nm ± 5 nm
Generation efficiency 4)> 15%
Auxiliary output 2 (1030 nm)
Center wavelength 5)1030 ± 10 nm
Pulse duration< 300 fs
Pulse energy> 5 µJ
Wavelength extension
SH package 
320 – 500 nm (SHS), 530 – 640 nm (SHI)
> 3% @ 350 nm
FH package 
210 – 250 nm (FHS), 265 – 320 nm (FHI)
> 0.3% @ 230 nm
2400 – 4800 nm (DFG)> 0.25% @ 3200 nm 6)
4500 – 16000 nm (DGF3)Available, contact sales@lightcon.com
Pump laser requirements
Environmental & Utility requirements
  1. For a single wavelength (515 nm) picosecond output, refer to SHBC.
  2. Expressed as normalized root mean squared deviation (NRMSD).
  3. Direct SHBC output, not simultaneous to OPA; see more details in SHBC specifications.
  4. Specified as a percentage of pump pulse energy.
  5. Compressed pump output.
  6. For > 200 µJ pump pulse energy.
  7. The pump laser is first paired with the SHBC module, then the SHBC output is used to pump the OPA. The parameter requirements are for the pump laser. 
  8. Not compatible with PHAROS-PH2-UP.
  9. Specifications are guaranteed for a maximum temperature variation of ± 1 oC and humidity variation of ± 10%.

For custom tuning curves visit Optics ToolBox.

Coherent Spin Dynamics of Electrons in CdSe Colloidal Nanoplatelets
S. R. Meliakov, V. V. Belykh, I. V. Kalitukha, A. A. Golovatenko, A. D. Giacomo et al.
Nanomaterials • 2023