ORPHEUS-N is a non-collinear optical parametric amplifier (OPA), also know as NOPA. Depending on the model, ORPHEUS-N includes an integrated second- or third-harmonic generator, producing a 515 nm or 343 nm pump, respectively:

  • ORPHEUS-N-2H: A second-harmonic pump delivers <30 fs pulses in the 700–850 nm range.
  • ORPHEUS-N-3H: A third-harmonic pump delivers <30 fs pulses in the 540–660 nm range.

Both models feature a built-in prism-based pulse compressor. Additionally, an optional second-harmonic generator is available, extending the tuning range into the ultraviolet (UV) spectral region.

A single CARBIDE or PHAROS femtosecond laser can pump multiple NOPAs, enabling independent wavelength tuning for pump and/or probe beams for advanced experiments.

For a broader tunability range, refer to ORPHEUS-F broad-bandwidth hybrid OPA. For ultrashort pulses tunable around 500 nm, refer to ORPHEUS‑VIS.

Main output
Tuning range650 – 900 nm (Signal)520 – 900 nm (Signal)
Maximum pump power8 W8 W
Maximum pump power8 W
Pump pulse energy10 – 200 µJ12 – 200 µJ
Conversion efficiency> 7% @ 700 nm
> 5% @ 800 nm
> 1.3% @ 580 nm
> 0.7% @ 700 nm
> 0.3% @ 800 nm
Integrated 2H / 3H generation efficiency 1)> 35% (515 nm)> 25% (343 nm)
Pulse duration after compressor< 30 fs @ 700 – 850 nm< 30 fs @ 540 – 660 nm
< 70 fs @ 660 – 800 nm
Long-term power stability, 8 h 2)< 2% @ 800 nm< 2% @ 580 nm
Pulse-to-pulse energy stability, 1 min 2)< 2% @ 800 nm< 2% @ 580 nm
Wavelength extension
Tuning range (SHS)325 – 450 nm260 – 450 nm
Conversion efficiency> 0.7 % @ 350 nm> 0.15 % @ 290 nm
Pump laser requirements
Environmental & utility requirements
  1. Not simultaneous to NOPA output.
  2. Expressed as normalized root mean squared deviation (NRMSD).
  3. FWHM, assuming Gaussian pulse shape.
  4. Specifications are guaranteed for a maximum temperature variation of ± 1 oC and humidity variation of ± 10%.

For custom tuning curves visit Optics ToolBox.


For custom tuning curves visit Optics ToolBox.

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