ORPHEUS-ONE is a mid-IR collinear optical parametric amplifier (OPA) designed for a spectral range from 1400 to 16000 nm. While it offers fewer wavelength extension options compared to ORPHEUS-HP, it achieves higher pump laser conversion efficiency into the mid-IR range.

ORPHEUS-ONE mid-IR collinear OPA provides the same tuning range, reliability, and ease of use but differs in design automation and pump parameters:

  • ORPHEUS-ONE-HP: Handles up to 80 W of pump power.
  • ORPHEUS-ONE-HE: Also supports up to 80 W of pump power but delivers pulse energy of up to 2 mJ.

The spectral bandwidth of ORPHEUS-ONE output is determined by the pump laser pulses. For applications like sum-frequency generation (SFG) spectroscopy and other uses requiring broadband infrared pulses, consider ORPHEUS-MIR. For a compact, single-box solution, refer to I-OPA industrial-grade optical parametric amplifier. For an OPA compatible with the PHAROS-UP ultrashort-pulse laser, refer to ORPHEUS-NEO next-generation OPA.

Main output
Tuning range1400 – 2000 nm (Signal)
2100 – 4200 nm (Idler)
1400 – 2000 nm (Signal)
2100 – 4200 nm (Idler)
Tuning range1400 – 2000 nm (Signal)
2100 – 4200 nm (Idler)
Maximum pump power80 W80 W
Maximum pump power80 W
Pump pulse energy12 – 400 µJ400 – 2000 µJ
Conversion efficiency 1) @ 1550 nm> 9%, 30 – 2000 µJ pump
> 6%, 12 – 30 µJ pump
> 9%, 30 – 2000 µJ pump
> 6%, 12 – 30 µJ pump
Conversion efficiency 1) @ 1550 nm> 9%, 30 – 2000 µJ pump
> 6%, 12 – 30 µJ pump
Spectral bandwidth50 – 150 cm‑1 @ 1450 – 2000 nm50 – 150 cm‑1 @ 1450 – 2000 nm
Spectral bandwidth50 – 150 cm‑1 @ 1450 – 2000 nm
Long-term power stability, 8 h 2)< 2% @ 1550 nm< 2% @ 1550 nm
Long-term power stability, 8 h 2)< 2% @ 1550 nm
Pulse-to-pulse energy stability, 1 min 2)< 2% @ 1550 nm< 2% @ 1550 nm
Pulse-to-pulse energy stability, 1 min 2)< 2% @ 1550 nm
Wavelength extension (MIR)
Tuning range4000 – 16000 nm (DFG)4000 – 16000 nm (DFG)
Tuning range4000 – 16000 nm (DFG)
Conversion efficiency 1)> 0.3% @ 10000 nm, 30 – 2000 µJ pump
> 0.2% @ 10000 nm, 12 – 30 µJ pump
> 0.3% @ 10000 nm, 30 – 2000 µJ pump
> 0.2% @ 10000 nm, 12 – 30 µJ pump
Conversion efficiency 1)> 0.3% @ 10000 nm, 30 – 2000 µJ pump
> 0.2% @ 10000 nm, 12 – 30 µJ pump
Spectral bandwidth50 – 120 cm‑1 @ 5000 – 8000 nm50 – 120 cm‑1 @ 5000 – 8000 nm
Spectral bandwidth50 – 120 cm‑1 @ 5000 – 8000 nm
Pump laser requirements
Environmental & utility requirements
  1. Specified as a percentage of pump power.
  2. Expressed as normalized root mean squared deviation (NRMSD).
  3. FWHM, assuming Gaussian pulse shape.
  4. Specifications are guaranteed for a maximum temperature variation of ± 1 ºC and humidity variation of ± 10%.

For custom tuning curves visit Optics ToolBox.

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