ORPHEUS-F is a hybrid optical parametric amplifier (OPA), combining the short pulse durations of a non‑collinear OPA (NOPA) with the wide tuning range of a collinear OPA.

  • Signal pulses are tunable in the 650 – 900 nm range and can be compressed down to 25–70 fs using a simple prism-based compressor.
  • Idler pulses are tunable in the 1200 – 2500 nm range with pulse durations of 40 – 100 fs.
  • Gap-free tunability: A long-pulse mode is available for accessing the 900 – 1200 nm tuning range.

ORPHEUS-F hybrid OPA delivers significantly shorter pulses than the standard ORPHEUS model and offers a broader tuning range than the non-collinear ORPHEUS-N, making it the optimal choice for many scientific applications.

For a compact, single-box solution, consider the I-OPA in the ORPHEUS-F configuration.

Mode of operationShort pulse mode 1)Long pulse mode
Main output (650 – 900 nm and 1200 – 2500 nm)
Tuning range650 – 900 nm (Signal)
1200 – 2500 nm (Idler)
650 – 1010 nm (Signal)
1050 – 2500 nm (Idler)
Maximum pump power80 W80 W
Maximum pump power80 W
Pump pulse energy10 – 500 µJ10 – 500 µJ
Pump pulse energy10 – 500 µJ
Conversion efficiency 2)> 7% @ 700 nm> 7% @ 700 nm
Conversion efficiency 2)> 7% @ 700 nm
Integrated 2H (515 nm) generation efficiency 3)> 35 %> 35 %
Integrated 2H (515 nm) generation efficiency 3)> 35 %
Pulse duration before compression 1)< 290 fs< 290 fs
Pulse duration before compression 1)< 290 fs
Spectral bandwidth200 – 750 cm‑1 @ 650 – 900 nm60 – 220 cm‑1 @ 650 – 900 nm
Pulse duration after compressor 1)< 55 fs @ 800 – 900 nm
< 70 fs @ 650 – 800 nm
< 100 fs @ 1200 – 2000 nm
Compressor transmission65% @ 650 – 900 nm
80% @ 1200 – 2000 nm
Long-term power stability, 8 h 4)< 2% @ 800 nm< 2% @ 800 nm
Long-term power stability, 8 h 4)< 2% @ 800 nm
Pulse-to-pulse energy stability, 1 min 4)< 2% @ 800 nm< 2% @ 800 nm
Pulse-to-pulse energy stability, 1 min 4)< 2% @ 800 nm
Wavelength extension options (325 – 15000 nm) 5)
325 – 450 nm (SHS)> 1%n/a
325 – 505 nm (SHS)n/a> 1%
525 – 650 nm (SHI)n/a> 0.5%
600 – 650 nm (SHI)> 0.5%n/a
210 – 252 nm (FHS)n/a> 0.1%
263 – 325 nm (FHI)n/a> 0.1%
2500 – 15000 nmSee ORPHEUS-MIRSee ORPHEUS-MIR
2500 – 15000 nmSee ORPHEUS-MIR
Pump laser requirements
Environmental & utility requirements
Mode of operationShort pulse mode 1)Long pulse mode
  1. In short pulse mode, broadband pulses are compressed externally. Typical pulse duration before compression: 120 – 250 fs, after compression: 25 – 70 fs @ 650 – 900 nm, 40 – 100 fs @ 1200 – 2000 nm.
  2. Specified as a percentage of pump power, before compressor. Conversion efficiency at peak is equal to 10% for signal and idler combined.
  3. At designated output port; not simultaneous to OPA output.
  4. Expressed as normalized root mean squared deviation (NRMSD).
  5. For > 15 µJ pump pulse energy.
  6. FWHM, assuming Gaussian pulse shape.
  7. Specifications are guaranteed for a maximum temperature variation of ± 1 ºC and humidity variation of ± 10%.

For custom tuning curves visit Optics ToolBox.

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