ORPHEUS-MIR is an optical parametric amplifier (OPA) designed for the efficient generation of broad-bandwidth mid-IR pulses. The laser system provides ultrashort pulses in the tuning range of 2.5 – 10 μm, extendable to 15 μm using a narrow-bandwidth extension. Due to its novel system design, ORPHEUS-MIR provides pulses with durations of <100 fs directly at the output, with Signal and Idler outputs available simultaneously. The system architecture is optimized for high-energy and high‑power CARBIDE and PHAROS femtosecond pump lasers.

ORPHEUS-MIR serves as an excellent high-repetition-rate source for advanced spectroscopic applications, including two-dimensional infrared (2D IR) and vibrational sum-frequency generation (SFG) spectroscopy. When combined with the narrow-bandwidth output of SHBC, it forms a compact laser system for SFG measurements, covering most of the mid-IR spectrum in a single shot while providing high spectral resolution. Its high output stability ensures fast and high-quality SFG imaging.

For mid-IR applications requiring CEP-stable pulses, ORPHEUS-MIR offers a unique CEP-stable option across the entire 2500 – 15000 nm range.

  • Broadband vibrational sum-frequency generation (SFG) spectroscopy
  • Time- and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (TR-ARPES)
  • Two-dimensional infrared (2D IR) spectroscopy
  • High-harmonic generation (HHG) in solids
  • Other infrared spectroscopy and high-energy physics applications
Mode of operationNon-collinearCollinear 1)
Main output (2500 – 10000 nm)
Tuning range2500 – 4000 nm (Signal)
4000 – 10000 nm (Idler)
2500 – 4500 nm (Signal)
4500 – 10000 nm (Idler)
Maximum pump power80 W80 W
Maximum pump power80 W
Pump pulse energy200 µJ – 3 mJ200 µJ – 3 mJ
Pump pulse energy200 µJ – 3 mJ
Pulse duration< 100 fs< 400 fs
(< 100 fs with dispersion compensation) 1)
Conversion efficiency 2)> 1.2% @ 3000 nm
> 1.0% @ 3500 nm
> 0.6% @ 5000 nm
> 0.3% @ 9000 nm
> 1.2% @ 3000 nm
> 1.0% @ 3500 nm
> 0.6% @ 5000 nm
> 0.3% @ 9000 nm
Conversion efficiency 2)> 1.2% @ 3000 nm
> 1.0% @ 3500 nm
> 0.6% @ 5000 nm
> 0.3% @ 9000 nm
Spectral bandwidth 3)> 300 cm‑1 @ 2500 – 4000 nm
> 200 cm‑1 @ 4000 – 10000 nm
> 300 cm‑1 @ 2500 – 4000 nm
> 200 cm‑1 @ 4000 – 10000 nm
Spectral bandwidth 3)> 300 cm‑1 @ 2500 – 4000 nm
> 200 cm‑1 @ 4000 – 10000 nm
Long-term power stability, 8 h 4)< 2% @ 5000 nm< 2% @ 5000 nm
Long-term power stability, 8 h 4)< 2% @ 5000 nm
Pulse-to-pulse energy stability, 1 min 4)< 2% @ 5000 nm< 2% @ 5000 nm
Pulse-to-pulse energy stability, 1 min 4)< 2% @ 5000 nm
Auxiliary output (2000 nm)
Output wavelength 5)2000 ± 100 nm2000 ± 100 nm
Output wavelength 5)2000 ± 100 nm
Pulse duration< 50 fs< 50 fs
Pulse duration< 50 fs
Conversion efficiency 2)> 8%> 8%
Conversion efficiency 2)> 8%
Spectral bandwidth> 350 cm‑1> 350 cm‑1
Spectral bandwidth> 350 cm‑1
Wavelength extension (10000 – 15000 nm)
Tuning range10000 – 15000 nmn/a
Pulse duration< 350 fs
Conversion efficiency 2)> 0.2% @ 12000 nm
Spectral bandwidth100 – 275 cm‑1
Pump laser requirements
Environmental & utility requirements
Mode of operationNon-collinearCollinear 1)
  1. Collinear mode is achieved with an additional external separator box. Dispersion compensation is optional.
  2. Specified as a percentage of pump power.
  3. Full width at half maximum (FWHM).
  4. Expressed as normalized root mean squared deviation (NRMSD).
  5. Not tunable, optimized for best overall performance. Not simultaneous to OPA output.
  6. FWHM, assuming Gaussian pulse shape.
  7. Specifications are guaranteed for a maximum temperature variation of ± 1 ºC and humidity variation of ± 10%.
General performance

For custom tuning curves visit Optics ToolBox.

Orbital perspective on high-harmonic generation from solids
L. Jiménez‑Galán, C. Bossaer, G. Ernotte, A. M. Parks, R. E. F. Silva et al.
Nature Communications • 2023