
Optical parametric chirped-pulse amplification (OPCPA) is the only laser technology currently available that simultaneously provides high peak and average power along with few-cycle pulse durations, meeting the requirements of the most advanced scientific applications. Our portfolio of cutting-edge OPCPA products is built on years of expertise in developing and manufacturing optical parametric amplifiers and femtosecond lasers. The few-cycle, CEP-stable pulses are available in a compact tabletop ORPHEUS-OPCPA or a larger TW-level OPCPA-HE, similar to SYLOS at ELI ALPS.

For custom solutions, contact us at sales@lightcon.com.

Product comparison table
Product Maximum pulse energyMaximum repetition rateMinimum pulse durationMaximum peak powerCEP stabilitySpecial features
> 1 mJ1 MHz< 6 fs> 100 GW< 250 mradCompact footprint
> 250 mJ1 kHz< 9 fs> 25 TW< 250 mradMulti-TW peak power
Product Maximum pulse energyMaximum repetition rateMinimum pulse durationMaximum peak powerCEP stabilitySpecial features
30 Years of Experience: Laser Systems for Efficient THz Generation
R. Budriūnas, O. Pronin, I. Abromavičius, V. Maslinskas, and T. Stanislauskas
Laser Congress 2024 (ASSL, LAC, LS&C) • 2024
Design and Implementation of a >25 TW Dual-Channel OPCPA System
I. Balčiūnas, T. Juodagalvis, V. Girdauskas, R. Budriūnas, V. Maslinskas et al.
High-Brightness Sources and Light-Driven Interactions Congress • 2024
The ELI-ALPS facility: the next generation of attosecond sources
S. Kühn, M. Dumergue, S. Kahaly, S. Mondal, M. Füle et al.
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics • 2017