
Light Conversion’s product portfolio features microscopy-dedicated femtosecond laser sources CRONUS-2P and CRONUS-3P.

These lasers cover applications in functional neuroimaging, optogenetics, and deep imaging using medium-repetition-rate three-photon excitation and fast high‑repetition-rate two-photon imaging, as well as widefield and holographic excitation using high-power laser sources. See the comparison table for the CRONUS series below. For a complete list of laser sources available for nonlinear microscopy and examples of state-of-the-art applications, please refer to the latest brochure.

Product comparison table
ProductOutputsOutput powerRepetition ratePulse durationPower stability
680 – 960 nm,
940 – 1300 nm,
and 1025 nm 1)
>3 W @ 920 nm
>2.5 W @ 1100 nm
>2.5 W @ 1025 nm
77 ± 1 MHz< 160 fs< 1% 5)
1250 – 1800 nm 2) 3)> 1.1 W @ 1300 nm 4)
> 0.8 W @ 1700 nm 4)
Up to 2 MHz< 50 fs @ 1300 nm
< 65 fs @ 1700 nm
< 1% 5)
1030 nm40 W
(up to 120 W)
Up to 10 MHz< 250 fs< 0.5% 5)
1030 nm4 W (SP)
(up to 20 W)
10, 40, or 80 MHz< 50 fs (SP)< 0.5% 5)
ProductOutputsOutput powerRepetition ratePulse durationPower stability
  1. Up to three simultaneous and synchronized outputs for multibeam excitation. For a fixed-wavelength laser refer to FLINT.
  2. For dual output refer to ORPHEUS-TWINS in ORPHEUS-F configuration.
  3. An alternative configuration with an additional 920 nm output is available, contact sales@lightcon.com.
  4. At 1 MHz repetition rate. Lower repetition rate and higher pulse energy options are available.
  5. Expressed as normalized root mean squared deviation (NRMSD).
CRONUS-2P and CRONUS-3P tuning curves
Examples of Applications
Lightwave-electronic harmonic frequency mixing
M. Yeung, L. Chou, M. Turchetti, F. Ritzkowsky, K. K. Berggren et al.
Science Advances • 2024