Applications such as high-energy attosecond pulse generation, high-harmonic generation from solid targets, and laser electron acceleration benefit from few-cycle pulse durations and excellent pulse contrast, while requiring multi-millijoule pulse energy.

Our most powerful high-energy OPCPA systems are scalable to multi-TW peak powers at kHz repetition rates, all while maintaining few-cycle pulse durations. This combination enables them to meet the most demanding requirements, delivering an unprecedented level of stability and reliability for systems of this scale.

Furthermore, a pre-pulse contrast of > 10¹² is achieved without the need for complex and lossy nonlinear pulse-cleaning techniques. At the same time, < 250 mrad CEP stability and < 1.5% pulse energy stability are maintained throughout a full day of operation, making this a robust and reliable multi-TW system.

Center wavelength800 nm1600 nm2000 nm
Pump sourcePicosecond Nd:YAG lasers, seeded by ORPHEUS-OPCPAPicosecond Nd:YAG lasers, seeded by ORPHEUS-OPCPAPicosecond Nd:YAG lasers, seeded by ORPHEUS-OPCPA
Pump sourcePicosecond Nd:YAG lasers, seeded by ORPHEUS-OPCPA
Repetition rate10 Hz – 1 kHz10 Hz – 1 kHz10 Hz – 1 kHz
Repetition rate10 Hz – 1 kHz
Maximum output pulse energy 1)250 mJ100 mJ50 mJ
Pulse duration 1)< 9 fs< 50 fs< 30 fs
CEP stability, 1 h 1) 2)< 250 mrad< 250 mrad< 250 mrad
CEP stability, 1 h 1) 2)< 250 mrad
Long-term power stability, 8 h 1) 3)< 1.5%< 1.5%< 1.5%
Long-term power stability, 8 h 1) 3)< 1.5%
Pulse-to-pulse energy stability, 1 min 1) 3)< 1.5%< 1.5%< 1.5%
Pulse-to-pulse energy stability, 1 min 1) 3)< 1.5%
Center wavelength800 nm1600 nm2000 nm
  1. Typical values. For custom inquiries, contact
  2. CEP values calculated from unaveraged, single-shot measurements.
  3. Expressed as as normalized root mean squared deviation (NRMSD).
Performance at 800 nm
Performance at 2000 nm
Setup examples
SYLOS 3 for ELI-ALPS – 15 TW, 1 kHz OPCPA system

SYLOS 3 is a record-breaking OPCPA system, delivering high peak power (>15 TW) and high average power (>120 W) pulses. Developed by the Light Conversion and Ekspla consortium, it is the third OPCPA system built for ELI-ALPS.

  • Coherent X-ray generation
  • Surface HHG
  • Particle acceleration
Measured values
Central wavelength~ 826 nm
Pulse repetition rate1000 Hz
Pulse energy122 mJ
Pulse energy stability (RMS)0.62 % (8 h)
Pulse duration (FWHM)7.9 fs
CEP stability161 mrad  (8 h)
Pre-pulse contrast1011 > 50 ps
109 > 10 ps
Spatial modeSuper-Gaussian
Strehl ratio0.9
Beam pointing stability~0.5 μrad (1 h)
Dual-channel OPCPA system for Lund University – 6/26 TW at 100/10 Hz

Light Conversion’s highest peak power OPCPA system to date (> 25 TW), installed at Lund University’s Division of Atomic Physics.

  • Relativistic intensity experiments
  • Particle acceleration
  • X-ray pulse generation.
  • Attosecond EUV pump-probe experiments
Measured values
Channel100 Hz 10 Hz
Central wavelength839 nm857 nm
Pulse energy53 mJ250 mJ
Pulse energy stability (RMS)0.74 % (8 h), 0.6 % (1 h)0.97 % (1 h)
Pulse duration (FWHM)8.9 fs9.4 fs
Temporal pulse quality95 %92.3 %
Pre-pulse contrast1010 > 50 ps
109 > 10 ps
9.510 > 50 ps
>109 > 10 ps
CEP stability177 mrad (8 h)251 mrad (1 h)
Spatial mode and Strehl factorSuper-Gaussian
0.74 without deformable optics
0.56 without deformable optics
Beam pointing stabilityX: 2.1 μrad (8 h)
Y: 3.7 μrad (8 h)
X: 2.1 μrad (1 h)
Y: 1.7 μrad (1 h)
Channel100 Hz 10 Hz
SYLOS for ELI-ALPS – 4.5 TW, 1 kHz OPCPA system

The Light Conversion and Ekspla consortium’s SYLOS laser system, built at the ELI-ALPS facility in 2019, generated four times higher peak power pulses at a 1 kHz repetition rate compared to other state-of-the-art systems at that time.

The SYLOS laser system is based on Light Conversions’s optical parametric chirped-pulse amplifiers (OPCPAs), driven by the PHAROS femtosecond laser and Ekspla’s picosecond laser.

The PHAROS laser pumps two femtosecond OPAs:

  • The first OPA produces a passively CEP-stabilized pulse at 1.3 µm, which is used for generating a CEP-stable white-light continuum (WLC).
  • The second OPA amplifies the WLC in the 700 – 1000 nm spectral range, providing a high-contrast seed pulse for the subsequent OPCPA stages.

The amplified pulse, reaching 50 mJ pulse energy at 850 nm central wavelength, is then compressed using a sequence of glass blocks and chirped mirrors, achieving a pulse duration as short as 10 fs.

Design and Implementation of a >25 TW Dual-Channel OPCPA System
I. Balčiūnas, T. Juodagalvis, V. Girdauskas, R. Budriūnas, V. Maslinskas et al.
High-Brightness Sources and Light-Driven Interactions Congress • 2024
The ELI-ALPS facility: the next generation of attosecond sources
S. Kühn, M. Dumergue, S. Kahaly, S. Mondal, M. Füle et al.
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics • 2017