PHAROS and water-cooled CARBIDE lasers feature the tunable GHz and MHz burst option with burst-in-burst capability, known as BiBurst.

In standard mode, the laser emits a single pulse at a fixed frequency. In burst mode, the output consists of pulse packets instead of single pulses. Each packet consists of a specific number of equally separated pulses. MHz-Burst contains N pulses with a nanosecond period, while GHz-Burst contains P pulses with a picosecond period. When both burst modes are combined, the equally separated pulse packets contain sub-packets of pulses, forming the burst-in-burst or BiBurst.

PHAROS and CARBIDE lasers, equipped with tunable GHz and MHz bursts and BiBurst options, bring new capabilities to high-tech manufacturing industries, such as consumer electronics, integrated photonic chip production, advanced display manufacturing, and quantum technologies.

  • Brittle material drilling and cutting
  • Deep engraving
  • Selective ablation
  • Volume modification of transparent materials
  • Hidden marking
  • Surface polishing
  • Functional surface structuring
Intra burst pulse period 1)440 ± 40 ps200 ± 40 ps
Number of pulses, P 2)1 – 10 3)1 – 25
Intra burst pulse period≈ 15 ns≈ 15 ns
Intra burst pulse period≈ 15 ns
Number of pulses, N1 – 101 – 9 (7 with FEC 4) )
  1. Custom spacing is available upon request.
  2. The maximum number of pulses in a burst depends on the laser repetition rate and energy.
  3. A custom number of pulses (up to 400) is available upon request.
  4. Fast energy control option. Enables formation of any pulse envelope at the laser pulse repetition rate.