FLINT high-repetition-rate femtosecond oscillators deliver state-of-the-art output parameters. Built on the proven industrial-grade design of the CARBIDE and PHAROS laser series, FLINT oscillators ensure excellent performance and long-term stability.

  • The latest model, FLINT-FL2, offers output power of up to 20 W, pulse energy of up to 0.5 µJ, and pulse duration down to 50 fs at repetition rates of 10, 40, or 80 MHz.
  • FLINT-FL1 oscillators support carrier-envelope phase (CEP) stabilization or repetition rate locking (RRL) to an external source, with selectable repetition rates ranging from 60 to 100 MHz.

To meet the demands of both industrial and scientific applications, FLINT models are available in standard and short-pulse (SP) configurations. Additionally, an automated and fully integrated harmonic generator provides second harmonic (515 nm) output, while the third (343 nm) and fourth (257 nm) harmonics are obtainable using the HIRO external harmonic generator.

Output characteristics
Key featureCEPRRLCompactShort pulseHigh power and high energyHigh power and high energyHigh power and high energy
Key featureCEPRRLCompactShort pulseHigh power and high energy
Pulse duration< 100 fs< 100 fs< 120 fs< 50 fs< 120 fs< 170 fs 1)< 170 fs 1)
Pulse duration< 100 fs< 120 fs< 50 fs< 120 fs< 170 fs 1)
Repetition rate60 – 100 MHz 2)60 – 100 MHz 2)60 – 100 MHz 2)10 MHz10 MHz40 MHz80 MHz
Repetition rate60 – 100 MHz 2)10 MHz40 MHz80 MHz
Maximum output power0.5 W1 W8 W4 W5 W20 W20 W
Maximum output power0.5 W1 W8 W4 W5 W20 W
Maximum pulse energy6 nJ 3)12.5 nJ 3)100 nJ 3)0.4 µJ0.5 µJ0.5 µJ0.25 µJ
Maximum pulse energy6 nJ 3)12.5 nJ 3)100 nJ 3)0.4 µJ0.5 µJ0.25 µJ
Center wavelength1035 ± 10 nm1035 ± 10 nm1035 ± 10 nm1030 ± 10 nm1030 ± 10 nm1030 ± 10 nm1030 ± 10 nm
Center wavelength1035 ± 10 nm1030 ± 10 nm
PolarizationLinear, horizontalLinear, horizontalLinear, horizontalLinear, horizontalLinear, horizontalLinear, horizontalLinear, horizontal
PolarizationLinear, horizontal
Beam quality, M2< 1.2< 1.2< 1.2< 1.3< 1.2< 1.2< 1.2
Beam quality, M2< 1.2< 1.3< 1.2
Beam pointing stability< 10 µrad/°C< 10 µrad/°C< 10 µrad/°C< 10 µrad/°C< 10 µrad/°C< 10 µrad/°C< 10 µrad/°C
Beam pointing stability< 10 µrad/°C
Long-term power stability, 100 h 4)< 0.5%< 0.5%< 0.5%< 0.5%< 0.5%< 0.5%< 0.5%
Long-term power stability, 100 h 4)< 0.5%
Integrated 2H generator 5)n/an/an/an/aOptional; conversion efficiency > 30% 6)Optional; conversion efficiency > 30% 6)Optional; conversion efficiency > 30% 6)
Integrated 2H generator 5)n/aOptional; conversion efficiency > 30% 6)
External 2H, 3H, or 4H generator 5)Optional, refer to HIRO for FLINTOptional, refer to HIRO for FLINTOptional, refer to HIRO for FLINTOptional, refer to HIRO for FLINTOptional, refer to HIRO for FLINTOptional, refer to HIRO for FLINTOptional, refer to HIRO for FLINT
External 2H, 3H, or 4H generator 5)Optional, refer to HIRO for FLINT
Integrated attenuatorn/an/an/aIncludedIncludedIncludedIncluded
Integrated attenuatorn/aIncluded
Physical dimensions
Environmental & utility requirements
  1. For 20 W output power. Lower power models: 8 W and 12 W, are available upon request.
  2. The standard repetition rate is 80 MHz; a custom repetition rate can be factory preset from the given range.
  3. Depends on the repetition rate. Values are given for 80 MHz.
  4. With enabled power-lock, under stable environmental conditions. Expressed as normalized root mean squared deviation (NRMSD).
  5. For external 2H or even 3H and 4H generation, refer to HIRO for FLINT.
  6. Conversion efficiency specified at maximum power.
General performance
CEP stabilization and RRL
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