Femtosecond Lasers
Light Conversion has worldwide recognition for its industrial-grade Yb-based PHAROS, CARBIDE, and FLINT femtosecond lasers. The PHAROS series focuses on customizability, reliability, and process-tailored output parameters, providing down to 100 fs pulse duration and up to 4 mJ pulse energy. The CARBIDE series features a compact industrial design with both air- and water-cooled models. The water-cooled models achieve an output power of up to 120 W with a pulse energy of 1 mJ or 80 W with a pulse energy of 2 mJ, all while maintaining excellent output stability. The FLINT oscillators extend the parameter range with repetition rates from 10 to 100 MHz. Together, these lasers cover a wide range of scientific, industrial, and medical applications.
Product | Maximum output power | Maximum pulse energy | Repetition rate | Pulse duration | Special features |
- For CEP and RRL applications one can also select FLINT-FL1 model with a precise repetition rate selection from 60 to 100 MHz.
Tunable GHz and MHz Burst with
Burst-in-Burst Capability
Industrial-Grade Optical Parametric Amplifier
Free-Standing Harmonic Generator
Automated Harmonic Generators for CARBIDE Lasers
Automated Harmonic Generators for PHAROS Lasers
Automated Second Harmonic Generator
Scientific Interface Module for CARBIDE
Second Harmonic Bandwidth Compressor
Application examples
Product catalog
Product catalog
Product catalog in Korean
Product catalog in Chinese