
Light Conversion has worldwide recognition for its industrial-grade Yb-based PHAROS, CARBIDE, and FLINT femtosecond lasers. The PHAROS series focuses on customizability, reliability, and process-tailored output parameters, providing down to 100 fs pulse duration and up to 4 mJ pulse energy. The CARBIDE series features a compact industrial design with both air- and water-cooled models. The water-cooled models achieve an output power of up to 120 W with a pulse energy of 1 mJ or 80 W with a pulse energy of 2 mJ, all while maintaining excellent output stability. The FLINT oscillators extend the parameter range with repetition rates from 10 to 100 MHz. Together, these lasers cover a wide range of scientific, industrial, and medical applications.

Product comparison table
ProductMaximum output powerMaximum pulse energyRepetition ratePulse durationSpecial features
120 W2 mJSingle-shot – 10 MHz< 190 fs – 20 ps (tunable)Compact footprint
Air- or water-cooled models
20 W4 mJSingle-shot – 1 MHz< 100 fs – 20 ps (tunable)CEP stabilization option
Repetition rate locking option
20 W0.5 µJ10, 40, or 80 MHz 1)< 50 fs / < 170 fsCEP stabilization option
Repetition rate locking option
ProductMaximum output powerMaximum pulse energyRepetition ratePulse durationSpecial features
  1. For CEP and RRL applications one can also select FLINT-FL1 model with a precise repetition rate selection from 60 to 100 MHz.
Experimental observation of mutual coupling in resonator array on thin-metal-film
S. R. Ayyagari, S. Indrišiūnas, A. Basharin, V. Janonis, D. Pashnev et al.
Journal of Applied Physics • 2025
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