CRONUS-3P is a turnkey laser source developed for advanced nonlinear microscopy. It provides µJ-level pulses with durations down to 50 fs at repetition rates of up to 2 MHz. The pulses are tunable in the short-wavelength infrared (SWIR) range from 1250 to 1800 nm, covering the biological transparency windows at 1300 and 1700 nm essential for three-photon (3P) microscopy. Additionally, CRONUS-3P features integrated group delay dispersion (GDD) control, beam steering, and an optional simultaneous 1030 nm output.

Conventional multiphoton imaging in the SWIR range often requires complex multi-device laser systems, large optical tables, and skilled staff, creating barriers for neuroscience and other biomedical applications. CRONUS-3P addresses the challenges as a next‑generation, industrial-grade, single-supplier solution. Compact, reliable, and versatile, it offers tunable femtosecond excitation with GDD compensation to ensure optimal pulse duration at the sample. Its industrial-grade design guarantees high pulse-to-pulse energy and long-term power stability.

ModelCRONUS-3PCRONUS-3PCRONUS-3P with power controlCRONUS-3P with power control
ModelCRONUS-3PCRONUS-3P with power control
Output with compressor
Tuning range1250 – 1800 nm1250 – 1800 nm1250 – 1800 nm1250 – 1800 nm
Tuning range1250 – 1800 nm
Repetition rate 1)Single-shot − 1 MHz or 2 MHzSingle-shot − 1 MHz or 2 MHzSingle-shot − 1 MHz or 2 MHzSingle-shot − 1 MHz or 2 MHz
Repetition rate 1)Single-shot − 1 MHz or 2 MHz
1300 nm1700 nm1300 nm1700 nm
Pulse duration< 50 fs< 65 fs< 50 fs< 65 fs
Output power> 1100 mW @ 1 MHz
> 800 mW @ 2 MHz
> 800 mW @ 1 MHz
> 500 mW @ 2 MHz
> 1000 mW @ 1 MHz
> 700 mW @ 2 MHz
> 700 mW @ 1 MHz
> 400 mW @ 2 MHz
GDD control range 2)−4 000 to +9 000 fs2−12 000 to +3 500 fs2−4 000 to +9 000 fs2−12 000 to +3 500 fs2
Beam diameter 3)2 – 4 mm2 – 4 mm2 – 4 mm2 – 4 mm
Beam diameter 3)2 – 4 mm
Beam quality (M2)< 1.2< 1.2< 1.2< 1.2
Beam quality (M2)< 1.2
Beam ellipticity> 0.8> 0.8> 0.8> 0.8
Beam ellipticity> 0.8
Beam divergence< 1 mrad< 1 mrad< 1 mrad< 1 mrad
Beam divergence< 1 mrad
Beam pointing stability< 100 µrad< 100 µrad< 100 µrad< 100 µrad
Beam pointing stability< 100 µrad
Long-term power stability, 24 h 4)< 1%< 1%< 1%< 1%
Long-term power stability, 24 h 4)< 1%
Pulse-to-pulse energy stability, 1 min 4)< 1%< 1%< 1%< 1%
Pulse-to-pulse energy stability, 1 min 4)< 1%
Main output without GDD control
Output power 5)> 1500 mW @ 1 MHz
> 1000 mW @ 2 MHz
> 1050 mW @ 1 MHz
> 700 mW @ 2 MHz
Output power 5)> 1500 mW @ 1 MHz
> 1000 mW @ 2 MHz
> 1050 mW @ 1 MHz
> 700 mW @ 2 MHz
Auxiliary 1030 nm amplifier output
Optional 680 – 920 nm amplifier output
Optional 1030 nm oscillator output 9)
Environmental and utility requirements
ModelCRONUS-3PCRONUS-3PCRONUS-3P with power controlCRONUS-3P with power control
ModelCRONUS-3PCRONUS-3P with power control
  1. A lower repetition rate with a higher pulse energy option is available.
  2. Continuous dispersion control; −4000 fs2 compensates a microscope with +4000 fs2.
  3. 1/e2, measured at compressor output.
  4. Expressed as normalized root mean squared deviation (NRMSD).
  5. Available only for v1. Contact for more details.
  6. Simultaneous up to 1 W. Larger simultaneous output is at the expense of the main output. Contact for more details.
  7. Uncompressed output at 920 nm, no power control.
  8. With an external compressor, < 70% transmission at 920 nm. 
  9. Simultaneous to the main output; contact for more details.
  10. Specifications are guaranteed for a maximum temperature variation of ± 1 oC and humidity variation of ± 10%.
  11. See drawings for details.
Stability at 1300 nm
Stability at 1700 nm
CRONUS-3P v2 drawings
CRONUS-3P v1 drawings
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