CARBIDE femtosecond lasers combine high average power and excellent power stability. They feature market-leading output parameters without compromising beam quality and stability. The compact and robust optomechanical design allows for a variety of applications in top-class research centers, as well as display, automotive, LED, medical, and other industries. The reliability of CARBIDE has been proven by hundreds of systems operating 24/7 in industrial environments.

The tunability of CARBIDE lasers enables users to discover the most efficient manufacturing processes:

  • The water-cooled CARBIDE-CB3 offers an average power of up to 120 W, pulse energy of up to 2 mJ, and a tunable pulse duration from 250 fs to 10 ps at repetition rates ranging from single-shot to 10 MHz.
  • The CARBIDE-CB3-UV emits 500 fs pulses at 343 nm. With a compact 84 × 35 cm footprint, it is the most compact UV femtosecond laser currently available, delivering up to 50 W of output power.
  • The air-cooled CARBIDE-CB5 delivers an average power of up to 6 W, pulse energy of up to 100 µJ, and a tunable pulse duration from 190 fs to 20 ps at repetition rates ranging from single-shot to 1 MHz.

CARBIDE femtosecond lasers can be equipped with industrial‑grade modules, including but not limited to harmonic generators and optical parametric amplifiers. Additonally, a pulse-on-demand mode is available via the built‑in pulse picker.

High-power IR lasers

Output characteristics
Cooling methodWater-cooledWater-cooledWater-cooledWater-cooledWater-cooledWater-cooled
Cooling methodWater-cooled
Center wavelength1030 ± 10 nm1030 ± 10 nm1030 ± 10 nm1030 ± 10 nm1030 ± 10 nm1030 ± 10 nm
Center wavelength1030 ± 10 nm
Maximum output power20 W40 W40 W80 W80 W120 W
Maximum output power20 W40 W80 W120 W
Pulse duration 1)< 250 fs< 250 fs< 250 fs< 250 fs< 350 fs 2)< 250 fs
Pulse duration 1)< 250 fs< 350 fs 2)< 250 fs
Pulse duration tuning range250 fs – 10 ps250 fs – 10 ps250 fs – 10 ps250 fs – 10 ps350 fs – 10 ps250 fs – 10 ps
Pulse duration tuning range250 fs – 10 ps350 fs – 10 ps250 fs – 10 ps
Maximum pulse energy0.4 mJ0.4 mJ0.2 mJ0.8 mJ2 mJ1 mJ
Maximum pulse energy0.4 mJ0.2 mJ0.8 mJ2 mJ1 mJ
Repetition rateSingle-shot – 1 MHzSingle-shot – 1 MHz
(2 MHz on request)
Single-shot – 10 MHzSingle-shot – 2 MHzSingle-shot – 2 MHzSingle-shot – 2 MHz
Repetition rateSingle-shot – 1 MHzSingle-shot – 1 MHz
(2 MHz on request)
Single-shot – 10 MHzSingle-shot – 2 MHz
Pulse selectionSingle-shot, pulse-on-demand, any fundamental repetition rate divisionSingle-shot, pulse-on-demand, any fundamental repetition rate divisionSingle-shot, pulse-on-demand, any fundamental repetition rate divisionSingle-shot, pulse-on-demand, any fundamental repetition rate divisionSingle-shot, pulse-on-demand, any fundamental repetition rate divisionSingle-shot, pulse-on-demand, any fundamental repetition rate division
Pulse selectionSingle-shot, pulse-on-demand, any fundamental repetition rate division
PolarizationLinear, vertical; 1 : 1000Linear, vertical; 1 : 1000Linear, vertical; 1 : 1000Linear, vertical; 1 : 1000Linear, vertical; 1 : 1000Linear, vertical; 1 : 1000
PolarizationLinear, vertical; 1 : 1000
Beam quality, M2< 1.2< 1.2< 1.2< 1.2< 1.2< 1.2
Beam quality, M2< 1.2
Beam diameter 3)3.9 ± 0.4 mm3.9 ± 0.4 mm3.9 ± 0.4 mm4.2 ± 0.4 mm5.1 ± 0.7 mm5 ± 0.5 mm
Beam diameter 3)3.9 ± 0.4 mm4.2 ± 0.4 mm5.1 ± 0.7 mm5 ± 0.5 mm
Beam pointing stability< 20 µrad/°C< 20 µrad/°C< 20 µrad/°C< 20 µrad/°C< 20 µrad/°C< 20 µrad/°C
Beam pointing stability< 20 µrad/°C
Pulse pickerFEC 4)FEC 4)Attenuator 5)FEC 4)FEC 4)FEC 4)
Pulse pickerFEC 4)Attenuator 5)FEC 4)
Pulse picker leakage< 0.25%< 0.25%< 0.5%< 0.25%< 0.25%< 0.25%
Pulse picker leakage< 0.25%< 0.5%< 0.25%
Pulse-to-pulse energy stability, 24 h 6)< 0.5%< 0.5%< 0.5%< 0.5%< 0.5%< 0.5%
Pulse-to-pulse energy stability, 24 h 6)< 0.5%
Long-term power stability, 100 h 6)< 0.5%< 0.5%< 0.5%< 0.5%< 0.5%< 0.5%
Long-term power stability, 100 h 6)< 0.5%
Main options
Oscillator output< 0.5 W, 120 – 250 fs, 1030 ± 10 nm, ≈ 65 MHz 7)< 0.5 W, 120 – 250 fs, 1030 ± 10 nm, ≈ 65 MHz 7)< 0.5 W, 120 – 250 fs, 1030 ± 10 nm, ≈ 65 MHz 7)< 0.5 W, 120 – 250 fs, 1030 ± 10 nm, ≈ 65 MHz 7)< 0.5 W, 120 – 250 fs, 1030 ± 10 nm, ≈ 65 MHz 7)< 0.5 W, 120 – 250 fs, 1030 ± 10 nm, ≈ 65 MHz 7)
Oscillator output< 0.5 W, 120 – 250 fs, 1030 ± 10 nm, ≈ 65 MHz 7)
Harmonic generator 8)515 nm, 343 nm, 257 nm, or 206 nm515 nm, 343 nm, 257 nm, or 206 nm515 nm, 343 nm, 257 nm, or 206 nm515 nm, 343 nm, 257 nm, or 206 nm515 nm, 343 nm, 257 nm, or 206 nm515 nm, 343 nm, 257 nm, or 206 nm
Harmonic generator 8)515 nm, 343 nm, 257 nm, or 206 nm
Optical parametric amplifier 9)320 – 10000 nm320 – 10000 nm320 – 10000 nm320 – 10000 nm320 – 10000 nmn/a
Optical parametric amplifier 9)320 – 10000 nmn/a
BiBurst modeTunable GHz and MHz burst with burst-in-burst capabilityTunable GHz and MHz burst with burst-in-burst capabilityTunable GHz and MHz burst with burst-in-burst capabilityTunable GHz and MHz burst with burst-in-burst capabilityTunable GHz and MHz burst with burst-in-burst capabilityTunable GHz and MHz burst with burst-in-burst capability
BiBurst modeTunable GHz and MHz burst with burst-in-burst capability
Physical dimensions
Environmental & utility requirements
  1. Assuming Gaussian pulse shape.
  2. Pulse duration can be reduced to < 250 fs if pulse peak intensity of > 50 GW/cm2 is tolerated by the customer setup.
  3. FW 1/e2, using maximum pulse energy.
  4. Fast energy control (FEC) provides fast, full-scale individual pulse energy control; an external analog control input is available.
  5. Waveplate-based variable optical attenuator (VOA); an external analog control input is available.
  6. Under stable environmental conditions. Expressed as normalized root mean squared deviation (NRMSD).
  7. Available simultaneously, requires a scientific interface. Contact for more details or customized solutions.
  8. Integrated. For an external harmonic generator, refer to HIRO.
  9. Integrated. For more options and OPAs, refer to ORPHEUS series of OPAs.
  10. The power supply can be different if an optional 2 MHz version is selected.
High-power UV lasers
Output characteristics
Cooling methodWater-cooledWater-cooled
Cooling methodWater-cooled
Center wavelength343 ± 3 nm343 ± 3 nm
Center wavelength343 ± 3 nm
Maximum output power> 30 W> 50 W
Pulse duration 1)≈ 500 fs≈ 500 fs
Pulse duration 1)≈ 500 fs
Output pulse energy35 – 150 μJ35 – 150 μJ
Output pulse energy35 – 150 μJ
Repetition rate 2)200 – 800 kHz300 – 1000 kHz
PolarizationLinear, vertical; 1 : 200Linear, vertical; 1 : 200
PolarizationLinear, vertical; 1 : 200
Beam quality, M2< 1.3< 1.3
Beam quality, M2< 1.3
Beam diameter 3)2.5 – 5 mm2.5 – 5 mm
Beam diameter 3)2.5 – 5 mm
Long-term power stability, 12 h 4)< 0.5%< 0.5%
Long-term power stability, 12 h 4)< 0.5%
Lifetime10000 h10000 h
Lifetime10000 h
Main options
Optional amplifier outputs1030 nm, 515 nm1030 nm, 515 nm
Optional amplifier outputs1030 nm, 515 nm
Physical dimensions
Environmental & utility requirements
  1. Assuming Gaussian pulse shape.
  2. Repetition rate available up to 2 MHz at lower power.
  3. FW 1/e2, using maximum pulse energy.
  4. Under stable environmental conditions. Expressed as normalized root mean squared deviation (NRMSD).
Air-cooled lasers
Output characteristics
Cooling methodAir-cooled 1)Air-cooled 1)Air-cooled 1)
Cooling methodAir-cooled 1)
Center wavelength1030 ± 10 nm1030 ± 10 nm1030 ± 10 nm
Center wavelength1030 ± 10 nm
Maximum output power6 W5 W5 W
Maximum output power6 W5 W
Pulse duration 2)< 290 fs< 290 fs< 190 fs
Pulse duration 2)< 290 fs< 190 fs
Pulse duration tuning range290 fs – 20 ps290 fs – 20 ps190 fs – 20 ps
Pulse duration tuning range290 fs – 20 ps190 fs – 20 ps
Maximum pulse energy100 µJ83 µJ100 µJ
Repetition rateSingle-shot – 1 MHzSingle-shot – 1 MHzSingle-shot – 1 MHz
Repetition rateSingle-shot – 1 MHz
Pulse selectionSingle-shot, pulse-on-demand, any fundamental repetition rate divisionSingle-shot, pulse-on-demand, any fundamental repetition rate divisionSingle-shot, pulse-on-demand, any fundamental repetition rate division
Pulse selectionSingle-shot, pulse-on-demand, any fundamental repetition rate division
PolarizationLinear, vertical; 1 : 1000Linear, vertical; 1 : 1000Linear, vertical; 1 : 1000
PolarizationLinear, vertical; 1 : 1000
Beam quality, M2< 1.2< 1.2< 1.2
Beam quality, M2< 1.2
Beam diameter 3)2.1 ± 0.4 mm2.1 ± 0.4 mm2.1 ± 0.4 mm
Beam diameter 3)2.1 ± 0.4 mm
Beam pointing stability< 20 µrad/°C< 20 µrad/°C< 20 µrad/°C
Beam pointing stability< 20 µrad/°C
Pulse energy controlAttenuator 4)AOM 5)Attenuator 4)
Pulse picker leakage< 2 %< 0.1 %< 2 %
Pulse-to-pulse energy stability, 24 h 6)< 0.5%< 0.5%< 0.5%
Pulse-to-pulse energy stability, 24 h 6)< 0.5%
Long-term power stability, 100 h 6)< 0.5%< 0.5%< 0.5%
Long-term power stability, 100 h 6)< 0.5%
Main options
Oscillator outputn/an/an/a
Oscillator outputn/a
Harmonic generator 7)515 nm, 343 nm, 257 nm, or 206 nm515 nm, 343 nm, 257 nm, or 206 nm515 nm, 343 nm, 257 nm, or 206 nm
Harmonic generator 7)515 nm, 343 nm, 257 nm, or 206 nm
Optical parametric amplifier 8)320 – 10000 nm320 – 10000 nm320 – 10000 nm
Optical parametric amplifier 8)320 – 10000 nm
BiBurst moden/an/an/a
BiBurst moden/a
Physical dimensions
Environmental & utility requirements
  1. Water-cooled version available on request.
  2. Assuming Gaussian pulse shape.
  3. FW 1/e2, using maximum pulse energy.
  4. Waveplate-based variable optical attenuator (VOA); an external analog control input is available.
  5. Enhanced contrast AOM. Provides fast amplitude control of output pulse train.
  6. Under stable environmental conditions. Expressed as normalized root mean squared deviation (NRMSD).
  7. Integrated. For an external harmonic generator, refer to HIRO.
  8. Integrated. For stand-alone OPAs, refer to ORPHEUS series of OPAs.
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