All Scientific Applications
Ultrafast Spectroscopy
The transient absorption experiment enables the quantitative characterization of time-dependent absorption in optically excited samples.
Fluorescence upconversion, time-correlated single-photon counting, and phosphorescence allow measuring fluorescence dynamics at different time scales.
Time-resolved spectroscopy technique for observing changes in the vibrational structure of optically excited molecular systems.
Laser-induced transient grating spectroscopy is a pump-probe technique that utilizes laser interference instead of a single beam to excite the medium.
Sum-frequency generation spectroscopy is used to assess the vibrational properties of surfaces and interfaces with monolayer sensitivity.
TR-ARPES extends and complements conventional ARPES by adding femtosecond time resolution.
An ultrafast laser spectroscopy technique studying electronic states in condensed-phase systems.
A nonlinear infrared spectroscopy technique investigating vibrational modes in condensed-phase systems.
The principle of flash photolysis is analogous to the femtosecond transient absorption experiment but with the delay in a nanosecond–microsecond range.
The Z-scan experimental technique is used for measuring the nonlinear refractive index and nonlinear absorption coefficient of optical materials.
Advanced Microscopy
Transient absorption microscopy adds a spatial resolution to the quantitative characterization of time-dependent absorption of an optically excited sample.
Nonlinear microscopy is a powerful technique for imaging inside living organisms with a submicrometer resolution at millimeter depths.
Ultrafast electron microscopy is a pump-probe technique in which an ultrafast laser pulse excites the material, and a delayed electron pulse detects the response.
Coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) and stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) are used for high-speed and high-sensitivity label-free vibrational imaging.
High-Energy and Attosecond Science
One of the most sophisticated and intriguing applications of high-energy femtosecond pulses is the process of high harmonic generation.
The main focus of nonlinear optics research is the development of new coherent broadband light sources, as well as novel techniques for pulse compression.
X-ray generation using ultrashort high-energy laser pulses is an attractive technique for producing X-rays that are used in spectroscopy and diffraction measurements.
Terahertz radiation is extensively used to study the dynamics of collective motions in solids and liquids or image optically non-transparent samples.
Laser Source Development
Sophisticated laser systems, such as OPCPA systems, typically consist of multiple parts, with the most essential being the front-end used for pumping and seeding.
Carrier-envelope phase determines the accuracy of high-energy and attosecond science experiments, and spectroscopy measurements, thus requires significant attention.
A synchronized laser system enables time-resolved experiments and can also be used as a synchronized switch for other physical variables, such as a magnetic field.
Optical parametric chirped-pulse amplification is the only currently available technology simultaneously providing high peak and average power and a few-cycle pulse duration.
Micro- and Nanofabrication
Laser-induced photopolymerization, also known as direct laser lithography or direct laser writing, is a technique for the formation of 3D nanostructures in photosensitive resins.
Several laser-based techniques enable precise micro- and nanostructuring of metal, semiconductor, glass, and other material surfaces.
Femtosecond laser writing enables the writing of vacancy-related color centers in silicon carbide and gallium nitride, which are relevant for applications in quantum technologies.
Highly focused ultrashort pulses enable volume modification of transparent materials, such as glass, sapphire, and other crystals.
Femtosecond lasers offer exceptional precision and minimal thermal damage, making them suitable as treatment and surgical tools in medical disciplines such as ophthalmology.