Repetition Rate Locking

FLINT femtosecond oscillators and PHAROS femtosecond lasers are used for repetition rate locking applications, notably for the locking and synchronization to synchrotrons like the world’s brightest storage-ring-based X-ray radiation source PETRA III at DESY. Synchronized laser systems enable time-resolved experiments and can also be used as synchronized switches for other physical variables, such as magnetic fields.

Coupled with the necessary feedback electronics, the repetition rate of FLINT or PHAROS femtosecond lasers is synchronized to an external RF source using the two piezo stages installed inside the cavity. The repetition rate locking system can assure an integrated timing jitter of less than 200 fs for RF reference frequencies larger than 500 MHz. Continuous phase shifting is available on request.

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The laser pump X-ray probe system at LISA P08 PETRA III
J. E. Warias, L. Petersdorf, S. C. Hövelmann, R. P. Giri, C. Lemke et al.
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation • 2024